Monday, October 20, 2008

This is a self portrait that I took with my pinhole camera. I am standing in a phone booth and my exposure is of about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Because of a slight attention deficit disorder, it is impossible for me to stand still for that long, therefore, during the exposure I moved quite a bit, lighting a cigarette and talking and laughing with Gab.

I made this camera with a really wide angle especially to enhance the look of portraits. The camera really blows for landscape type of pictures or anything with a far subjects, but for portraits and close-ups it works quite well. I used a piece of paper (negative) of 4 X 5 inches which also helps by creating a nice natural frame to the pictures.

I love how sharp the background is sharp in correlation with the subject (foreground), I was going for a ghostly image of myself, I think I got what I bargained for.

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